PhD planning

I need to commit to more structure and deadlines in order to complete my PhD on time.

My PhD consists of four papers and coursework.


  1. Shocked by Electricity: The impact of new technology on individuals and local labour markets. Co authored with Kerstin Enflo and Jakob Molinder

  2. Wired for Success: Sweden’s Electrical Innovators in the Age of Industrial Transformation

Here is a chart showing the remaining time in my PhD and what is left to do.

Paper Timeline2023-10-012024-01-012024-04-012024-07-012024-10-012025-01-012025-04-012025-07-012025-10-01Complete draft of first paper Complete draft of second paper Complete draft of third paper Midway seminar Revise second paper Revise third paper Complete draft of fourth paper Revise fourth paper Final seminar Intense working on the Kappa Submit Ph.D. for typesetting Defend thesis Paper DraftsPaper RevisionsSeminars & SubmissionDefense Paper Timeline

Upcoming deadlines and feedback

Present Wired for Success data processing and initial results at Swedish Economic History Meeting on 29th of September.

Complete draft of Shocked by Electricity on 2 October 2023.


Mandatory courses (52.5 credit points):

  1. EHEH001 Designing a PhD dissertation: Completed - 7.5 credits.

  2. EHEH002 Foundations of Economic History: 1/3 papers done . Assuming linear progression and that each paper is worth an equal amount of credits, I’ve completed 1/3 of 15 credits = 5 credits.

  3. EEH002F research seminars: Ongoing . 0 credits for the purpose of this calculation.

  4. Philosophy of Science: Not chosen yet - 0 credits.

  5. Research Ethics: Not chosen yet - 0 credits.

  6. Quantitative course (SDU Summer School): Complete - 7.5 credits.

  7. Qualitative Course (Archives, Primary Sources, Dataset - EEH033F): Complete - 4.5 credits.

Total for Mandatory : 7.5 + 5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 7.5 + 4.5 = 24.5 credits

Optional courses (22.5 credit points):
1. EEH005F Economic Growth over Time and Space: Completed - 7.5 credits.

Total for Optional : 7.5 credits

In summary: - I’ve completed 24.5 credits of the mandatory coursework. - I’ve completed 7.5 credits of the optional coursework.

This means I’ve completed a total of 32 credits out of the 75 credits I need.

Conferences and presentations

EHS Conference 2023: Warwick

EHES Conference 2023: Vienna

SEHM 2023: Lund